I finally finished our bathroom vanity. It is modeled after an Indian bowl Mary bought at Target. Of course, we also wanted it to connect to her bedroom furniture Despite the fact that it took a ridiculously long time to finish, with being distracted by various things, I actually rushed the painting a bit.

This also was the first time I've tried doing a mosaic. Would do several things differently and suspect that if there were a subsequent attempt it would go much faster. Still, I enjoyed the process a lot and am ok with the result. The tile was purchased at Mosaic on a Stick, a great shop on Snelling Ave.

Above was the top while being sealed. Below is a closeup of a door.
There's something strange about the scale of the parts of this thing, the faucet for instance. But, as I told Mary, if we get sick of it, next spring we will have a very cool birdbath.

I'm working on a matching medicine cabinet which will be done, hopefully, in a few days. I still need to pull cable for lights and the fan too...