Termites make didgeridoos but they can't play them.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Flossing with curly stamens

Wasps making love to time and all that. Figs seeds in teeth, flossing with curly stamens. A lot of time has gone by and starting fresh is easier than fixing my old template. Mad two years and it almost is two years since I started blogging. Months and months and pieces of years since I last posted anything. There's been a lot to do. Finally with the graduation, yet still with the never-ending room of remodeling. A ring was bought and damn beautiful too though I'd sworn more times than I've got teeth I never would never succumb to that particular societal pressure. Older and older and some things just must be done, I get that. Suddenly a degree and looking for work and wanting words for cages, trapping moments creating cool green spaces of brittle low wattage light. This then is the first post of 2006.


Anonymous said...

Owen! Alas, I'm at work, and thus can't enumerate yet the many ways in which I'm thrilled your back, and with such news, even! Just trust me when I say that I'm really, really, really thrilled.

Owen Hansen said...

Thanks J. I loved your recent post on country ham....Was in D.C. over Christmas, local market, 30 dollar a pound dry ham from around the world--shitting of the pants but still thinking of white beans and figs and sunnier days than this.


Anonymous said...
